Experience is not the best teacher, EVALUATED experience is the best teacher

Experience is not the best teacher EVALUATED experience is the best teacher. Because if you don’t evaluate your past experience, failure and mistakes you tend to make mistakes over and over again. You just have to be humble enough to learn from your mistakes and ask the right people who’ve already been there than that. Learn from their experiences, get their wisdom and avoid the same mistakes that they have made in the past.

I love the book “Failing Forward” by John C Maxwell.



Yes, he dedicates an entire book to failing. John talks about the life lessons we get from the “evaluated” experience of failure. He says that while everybody fails, not everybody learns from it. You can fail and then just move on, or you can fail then indentify the events concerning that failure and seek to understand and gain wisdom from your experience.

Wisdom comes from understanding life situations. That’s why it’s very important to evaluate all your mistakes, failures etc. learn from them so that next time you can make a better decisions in life.


We cannot change our past. Our past mistakes, failures, events, wrong decisions, etc. but we can change our future by making a right decision today. I truly believe that making a right decision is a very important skill that we must develop that’s why it’s very important to evaluate ourselves before making very important decisions.




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